vendredi 16 novembre 2012

The Northern Renaissance

  • From 1325 to 1600
  • Northern Europe (England, France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain)
  • Mostly in Flanders region (Northern Belgium)
  • Rebirth of Ancient Greek & Roman Culture
  • Art called Flemish
  • Flemish=Realism, naturalism & interest in landscape
  • Caracteristics : Details, religious & color
  • Flemish forms : Painting & sculptures extremly realistic
  • Printing invented
  • Books more available & less expensive
  • Population interest in literacy
  • Discoveries publish
  • Humans rights discovery by people
  • Question political structure & religious practises

Jan van Eyck : Founder of occidental painting (Realism)

<---Rogier van der Weyden : naturalism, illusionism

Pieter Bruegel : Known for his landscape and peasant scene (Painting)  ----> 



mercredi 14 novembre 2012

What I learn about the movie : Necessities of life

In the movie "Necessities of life", there's a lot of lessons to understand. I learn that people can have a big judgement only depending on where you come from, how you look, what's your religion, etc. Many people reconize more themselves threw people of their communities so they are doing less effort to make it easier for the newcomer. Also, I learn how much you can feel lost when you're totally remove from your origin. Someone from anywhere else, specially not developped country, may had a lot of cultural shock. Feeling assimilation or enculturation is also a step of this trip.